Mulan Human Names

Mephis Fenuku

Mephis Lisimba

Nephes Asim

Unefi Minkah

Arzima Okpara

Muroth Bomani

Zahur Atsu

Zoli Sadiki

Tazna Kontar

Azran Bomani

Human illustration

Mulan Human Name Generator

Mulan Name Generator

Human Name Generator

DND Name Generator Mulan

Where do the Mulan come from?

Though deeply intertwined with the history of the Mulhorand, Unther, Chessenta, and Thay, the humans of Mulan were an ethnic group non-native to Toril who came to settle in east Fearûn. The magocratic rulers of the Imaskar Empire forcibly transported the Mulan to Toril through a gate that allowed dimensional travel around -4366 DR.

Soon after their arrival, the Imaskari rulers subjugated the Mulan and forced them into slave labor. In a despicable act to hold on to their captives, these magocratic oppressors even went so far as to erect a magical barrier that would hide the Mulan from the deities they worshipped. Over the next two thousand years, the prayers of these unfortunate people would never reach the Mulhorandi pantheon. However, with the assistance of the Overgod, Lord Ao, mortal avatars of those the slaves worshipped, were able to bypass the barrier and defeat the Imaskari in -2488 DR.

Following the magocracy's fall, the Mulan fled west from the dust-deserts of Raurin, eventually settling around the southwestern coasts of Wizards' Reach and the Alamber Sea. Over time, they drove out other demihumans and humanoids in the area, including the native Turami people. Once established, they founded the nation of Unther under the leadership of their patriarchal deity, Enlil.

As years passed, a powerful priest class emerged due to the god-king avatars of the Mulhorandi and Untheric deities that ruled over the newly created empire. The heavy-handed control of those priests led to a rebellion of lower-class practitioners of the arcane arts. Those defiant mages would take the name of the Red Wizards and secede from their persecutors to create the independent nation of Thay.

After the establishment of Thay, the Mulan began to expand further, controlling most of the eastern shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars. At various times, their people had been among the ruling elite in nearly all surrounding nations. Ashanath, Chessenta, the Eastern Shaar, Mulhorand, Murghom, Rashemen, Semphar, Thesk, and even cities south of the Yuirwood were all at one point under their control. Though, their people have settled throughout the various other regions of Faerûn as well.

What makes the Mulan unique?

The people of Mulan were tall and thin with sallow skin tones and both dark hair and eye color. Pure Mulan features have become rare in the surrounding nations, as biracial relationships have become more common. Citizens with significant Rashemi or Turmish blood, for example, would often have darker complexions. Generally, the Mulan had very little body hair, and it was typical for nobles and higher class members of both genders to shave any hair they did have. They also preferred simple clothing, particularly those that worshiped the god-kings, demonstrating their subservience to the ruler's power and wealth.

Commonly arrogant and conservative, the Mulan were resistant to change and felt that their culture was superior to all others. They considered themselves more civilized, innovative, and intelligent than other cultures. Those in Thay were said to believe they were above even the gods themselves. Still, the Mulan people valued order and discipline above all else. Their upper- and middle-class citizens were well educated, and apprenticeships were common among the youth.

However, their pursuit of progress may have blinded them to the struggles of their past. Mulan people have organized strict class structures, participated in the slave trade, and even practiced the arcanic traditions that had held their people hostage for centuries.

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