Grung Names

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Grung Names
What makes grung names unique?
Like many other species of toads and frogs, grungs have unique calls to communicate with other members of their species. Over time, these croaks, ribbits, peeps, clucks, and grunts merged into a language all their own. Grung names originate from this collection of strange and natural vocal modulations and can be difficult for other non-grung races to pronounce.
What are grung?
Aggressive frog-like humanoids, grungs stand slightly shorter than most gnomes. They have powerful amphibious legs that end in webbed feet, muscular forelimbs, and hands with opposable thumbs. Their torsos and heads are more humanoid than toad-like in appearance, and they stand upright and erect, moving in quick short hops.
Grungs are always looking for creatures they can capture and enslave for all manner of menial tasks. However, with their forced social structure, most grungs simply desire someone they can gleefully boss around. Slaves are treated very poorly and often fed mildly poisoned food to keep them sluggish and submissive. Creatures that eat the tainted food for extended periods become shells of their former selves, unable to recover without the assistance of curative magics.
Grung culture follows a strict caste system. Everything from hatching pools to homes is kept separate, and juveniles immediately join their caste upon emerging from their designated hatchery. All grungs are born a dull greenish-gray and grow into their caste color by adulthood in about nine to twelve months.
Green grungs are the warriors, hunters, and laborers of the tribe, while blue work as artisans and other domestic roles. Purple grungs supervise both groups, acting as administrators and commanders. Red grungs are respected and superior to those mentioned previously and become the tribal scholars and arcane practitioners. Above the red are the orange grungs who train to become elite warriors and the gold who hold the highest leadership and sovereignty above all others.
Traditionally, a grung stays within its caste for life. However, there are rare occasions when an individual who distinguishes themselves with great deeds earns an invitation to join a higher caste. When this occurs, the grungs use a combination of herbal tonics and ritual magic to change the elevated grung’s color. It is then inducted into the new caste in the same manner as a juvenile, and from that point on, the grung and its progeny are official members of the higher caste.
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Where do grung live?
As tree-dwelling amphibians, grungs prefer the shelter and shade provided by jungles, tropical forests, and swamps. Their settlements are collections of rudimentary structures cobbled together and hidden among the surrounding trees. Like much of their society, grung homes are segregated, requiring each residence to be limited to a particular caste. Their tribes can include a hundred or more grungs, nearly a quarter of them adolescents and children.
Though small, grungs are hostile, distrusting, and fiercely territorial creatures who see themselves superior to most other races. They often indicate the borders of their territory by hanging the dead bodies of their enemies in plain view of any would-be intruders.
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