Plasmoid Names











Plasmoid illustration

Plasmoid Name Generator

Plasmoid UA

Plasmoid Damp;D

Plasmoid 5e

What are plasmoids?

Amorphous ooze given sentience, plasmoids are shapeless beings of uncertain origins. They can morph and adapt their form to mimic and blend in with other humanoid creatures. Stiffening their outer dermal layers, they maintain a humanlike shape which allows them to wear appropriate clothing and accessories. However, their alien appearance gives little chance anyone would mistake them for something different than a plasmoid.

The internal organs of plasmoids are not typical of other creatures. Their forms lack a rigid structure and are composed of cells, fibers, plasma-like ooze, and clusters of nerves called ganglia that act as a synaptic relay system throughout their bodies. These highly developed collections of neuronal bodies enable plasmoids to experience heat, texture, sound, pain, vibrations, and even the smallest amount of light.

Without typical organ structures, plasmoids consume food through osmosis and excrete waste through tiny pores on their bodies. The hardening of their outer layers not only provides them with a discernable form but creates strong limbs flexible enough to handle weapons and tools. They also "breath" by absorbing the oxygen they require through their outermost membrane. This highly efficient respiration allows plasmoids to hold their breath for extended periods when necessary.

Plasmoids often recognize that their appearance may be unsettling and do many things to help put others at ease. They speak by forcing air through tubular cavities that constrict, expand, and vibrate to produce sound. This process does not require a mouth, but many plasmoids form a mouth-like orifice to keep up appearances. They may also absorb different dyes to change their coloration and transparency from their usual translucent gray, hoping to blend in more with other surrounding races.

Still, all of this effort to fit in can be tiring and difficult to maintain. When unconscious or sleeping, plasmoids lose their rigidity and spread out into their native forms. It's not uncommon for passersby to mistake a slumbering plasmoid for a rock, puddle, or other feature of the environment.

What makes plasmoids unique?

The exact origin of the plasmoid race is uncertain. Some sages believe that plasmoids evolved from early protozoans altered by a mysterious arcane influence. Others follow the teachings of the Demonomicon of Iggwilv, which proposes that oozes and their kind grew from scattered fragments or offspring of the demon lord Juiblex. While not all historians accept this genealogy, supporters are also quick to mention that the Faceless Lord Juiblex is one of the few beings able to control oozes and grant them a modicum of intelligence.

Plasmoids can create small pseudopods as extensions of their main body. Many believe that their kind reproduces similarly, subdividing like amoeba or other single-celled microbes and passing on a portion of their essence. As a result, scholars have postulated that all plasmoids are pseudo-clones originating from a single original parent. This ancestry may explain why plasmoids typically gather in small clans with little to no hierarchy or ruling class and why interspecies war is a rarity.

Though they may be clones, young plasmoids do not necessarily retain their parent's memories and exact behaviors. Due to this, most have an intense curiosity for the surrounding world, which can sometimes lead to awkward encounters with creatures unfamiliar with their kind. Still, while they have an outward child-like fascination and find joy in the simple things, it does not mean that plasmoids are simple-minded.

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